Chances are that if you are reading this you are now one of the 90% of people dealing with back or neck pain. Let's get you better and keep you better.
Have you seen a good Chiropractor, Physiotherapist? Since 1984 we have been servicing these professionals. They will be the first to tell you about core strength and the importance of correct sitting posture and many good ones have our products in their practices for you to try.
The biggest causes.
Accidents and incorrect posture. Accidents happen but generally sitting causes more problems. Long term sitting is not good for you and causes many problems for the low back. This constant unnatural positioning builds a stress that accumulates in your spine until one day you are moving and "ouch" you are now in a lot of pain. Your practitioner can help you get better , we help keep you there. Or better yet, prevent you from getting to that point in the first place. "An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure"
Here's how we help you.
When you sit your Lumbar spine (The low part of your back) tilts your vertabrae "backwards" building and accumulating stress or sometimes it can be instantly uncomfortable. After 5 minutes or so the muscles start to relax and this prolonged unnatural position will begin to take a toll. EmbraceAIRPlus gently repositions your spine by returning it to the natural neutral position- EVEN WHILE YOU ARE SEATED! Visit our demonstration page to illustrate this better. Since we are not all the same size nor do we sit in the same chair we added the Vertical Adjustment feature. This makes up for the differences in height and the changes in the seat "softness" and correctly and accurately targets the Lumbar Spine and "Takes the Load Off".
Here's the important stuff.
Sitting still (Static) is not good. You want movement (Dynamic) sitting. Dynamic sitting allows you to slightly modify your position. Sit with EmbraceAIRPlus for 5 minutes allowing the body to relax and then take the easy squeeze hand pump and pump it until it feels good. You'll know. Your spine is now back in "neutral". After a while (again depending on YOU) change it up, add a bit of air, let a little bit out and here's what happens, The weight distribution up and down your spinal column changes, circulation and micro-circulation patterns change and you ELIMINATE the cumulative stress!
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Recent research has show that neck problems can be eliminated with the use of proper back support. Along the same premise as "the back bone's connected to the neck bone"... proper back support can help with your neck issues (see study).
Water pillows have been studied and have been proven to help. Your head is heavy. About 7% of your body weight. When placed on a pillow the weight sinks down guiding the water to the perimeter and lifting under the neck supporting your cervical spine.
SOLITUDE water pillows offer many features that others do not.
1. You can launder the SOLITUDE pillow
2. You can remove internal water bladder for easier draining/filling
3. "Down Proof" natural cotton cover
4. Patented Kluster fiber (see product page)
5. No Metal liner
6. Constructed to offer additional options of firmness
7. Made in Canada
Go to the Pillows page to learn more.
Motion Medicine Topical Remedy works. Please visit the Motion Medicine on site for complete details.
Thank you for considering our products. We are here to help you.