Motor vehicle and work related accidents debilitate thousands.  Speedy induction into therapy is paramount if the goal is to complete rehabilitation and return the patient to work and normal activity as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Obviously the clinician can’t be with the patient continuously and must rely on periodic therapeutic intervention and education to achieve successful rehabilitation. Therefore, it is common protocol in conjunction with various forms of traditional, proven treatment methods for the clinician to prescribe EmbraceAIRPlus and In-Line Seating or any of our other evidence based products.


Between treatments, proper support of the lumbar spine can speed recovery and help avoid the development of chronic and more lengthy treatments.  Accidental trauma creates soft tissue damage and/or further skeletal destabilization.  After and between therapeutic interventions EmbraceAIRPlus and In-Line Seating can help normalize stresses by supporting the patient’s lumbar spine correctly.


Each individual has unique curve in their lumbar spine (lordosis).  EmbraceAIRPlus can match lordosis through the introduction of air by squeezing the bulb and introducing air into the internal air chamber. Equally important is the positioning of the air chamber so that it correctly aligns with the apex of the patient’s lordosis.  This is the patented feature of the EmbraceAIRPlus: air that moves vertically within the framework. While the EmbraceAIRPlus can be used by itself, the addition of In-Line Seating provides a consistent pelvic support that ensures no matter where the patient uses the support the height of the internal air chamber is maintained.


No clinician will be successful with their therapy if the cause of the patient’s problems are not removed.  If the patient is exacerbated by the seated posture, then this must be addressed to allow the therapy to have optimal effect.  Using EmbraceAIRPlus and In-Line Seating reduces the prolonged flexion excerbating of discogenic back pain. 

“Research evidence shows that spine curvature is a critical issue in terms of influencing disc stresses during prolonged sitting (both duration and flexion magnitude) and in specific disorders such as disc bulging/herniation.  Our data shows that the claim that the EmbraceAIRPlus can beneficially change spinal curvature, is valid.”
Stuart McGill, PhD,    Website:
Professor of Spine Biomechanics
Occupational Biomechanics and Safety Laboratories
Department of Kinesiology Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
University of Waterloo
October 2003